Who are you following?

by | Dec 9, 2023 | Uncategorized

I’ve been battling a cold lately. I feel pretty good, but my voice is little to nothing. I feel like the Lord is maybe telling me something?  

“Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak” James 1:19.

My topic and question today is “Who are you following?” but also “who are you listening too?” We have many voices in this world. I’m on the health and fitness journey again. I have recommitted to choosing healthy choices. With that comes many ads and quick fix pop ups on my phone. Hint: shhh “they are listening”. The ads say “Lose 30 lbs in 30 days!” “Shed those extra pounds quick”….

Humbly I admit I have been on this health and fitness journey all my life. Changing diets, gyms, and waste sizes often. You would think through the school of hard knocks I should be more wise and knowledgeable in these areas. I’m soon to be 41 years old and I’ll admit it’s NOT getting easier to just jump right back in the gym and or change my eating habits. 

So Ryan where are you going with this? Well I have said this before and I’ll say it again. “Your life will be determined by two things: the books you read and the people you surround yourself with”

What Books are you reading?

As many of you know since being delivered from drugs and alcohol 3 years ago (Praise God!) the main book in my life is the Bible. In Greek the word Bible is Biblos: it means “a written book, roll, or volume, sometimes with a sacred connotation,”. The Bible is not just any book. It is the sacred, living and breathing Word of God. Word in greek is logos where you get the “log” in our english words “Theology, psychology, biology, anthropology, etc” So really when you study any word your are really studying God because:

John 1:1 says “In the beginning was the Word (logos), and the Word(logos) was with God, and the Word(logos) was God.”

I personally don’t read a ton of content, but I do read often as we took TV’s out of our lives 2 year ago and my main goal is to make sure I process what I read but more importantly apply it. 

By the way what I am explaining is called etymology which is the study of origins of words and their meanings as they have changed throughout history. Highly recommended to gain understanding and wisdom. Words have massive power. We must be diligent in what we say and keep our speech edifying and encouraging! Speaking of Encouraging:

People around you?

Dr. Ivan Misner who is the founder of BNI (Business Networking International) wrote a book “Who’s in your room?” Can you imagine living a better life? Would you like to surround yourself with more supportive people? There’s hope! You see, the quality of your life depends on the people in your life.The simple yet powerful concept. Who’s in Your Room? The concept of your life being like a room—a room where anyone who enters affects your life . . . forever. 

I end with this BE INTENTIONAL about who you are following and your life will transform from good to GREAT!

If you want to learn more about Leadership Speaking/ Coaching/Consulting I do. Visit www.cornerstonespeaking.com or text me at 701-415-6790. I’m Ryan Botner and I’m your friend and your Chief Encouragement Officer! BE INTENTIONAL TODAY!

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