Our World is in Desperate Need of Transformational Leaders

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Uncategorized

As a Leadership Coach, Speaker, and Consultant. When people hire me they want results. The challenge is unless they are ready to take a step in faith, no change will occur with them or their organization. In the book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”, author John Maxwell describes “The Law of the Lid”. That law says the organization you lead is only as good as your own leadership ability. If you want to have a better organization, become a better leader.

John goes on to say that “everything rises and falls on leadership”. When he says “everything”, he truly means everything… including families, churches, schools, businesses, governments, and nations. The success of every organization is dependent upon its leadership.

If you need evidence to prove this point, simply open your Bible and read the Old Testament or study Hebrew culture. Ancient Israel thrived during times of great leadership, and suffered and finally fell under poor leaders (I will add that 95% of leadership failure is character failure Ex. Worldcom and most famous Enron). History clearly shows that strong, competent, high integrity leaders are needed for us to thrive.

I want to take this a step further and say that any significant, lasting positive change comes not just from good leadership, but from transformational leadership. All the major advancements in the world such as manned flight, disease-preventing vaccines, widespread utilization of automobiles, defeat of ruthless dictators, and dramatic changes in communication technology all resulted from transformational leadership.

Without transformational leadership individuals, families, businesses, churches, schools, and all elements of society stall and degenerate. We grow dull, set in our ways, and do not achieve our potential. I read a book recently called “The Road Called Life” by Author and my Elder Vaughn Morton. He states there are 3 kinds of people in the world. The Camper, the Quitter, and the Climber. To transform yourself and lead others we must climb and encourage our team to climb!

What Is Transformational Leadership

According to a Wikipedia definition, transformational leadership “enhances the motivation, morale, and performance of followers through a variety of mechanisms. These include connecting the follower’s sense of identity and self to the project and the collective identity of the organization; being a role model for followers that inspires them and makes them interested; challenging followers to take greater ownership for their work, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of followers, so the leader can align followers with tasks that enhance their performance”.

Businessdictionary.com defines transformational leadership more concisely as “a style of leadership in which the leader identifies the needed change, creates a vision to guide the change through inspiration, and executes the change with the commitment of the members of the group”.

These definitions give us a good idea of what transformational leadership is, but the real impact is in what transformational leadership does. Transformational leaders help people reach their God-given potential so they can make the most of their lives and benefit other people. The impact of transformational leadership can have profound, life changing effects as people think, behave, work, and live differently.

Where Are Transformational Leaders Needed

There is a one word answer to the question of where transformational leaders are needed…everywhere! If significant positive change can result from transformational leadership, why wouldn’t we want it everywhere?

For your business to have an impact in your community you need to be transformational. You need to know what your business stands for, believe in it, not waiver from it, and inspire others to help you. “If nothing changes, Nothing Changes”

There is also a need for you to be a transformational leader in your home. Our family responsibilities are even more important than our businesses, and without our transformational leadership our kids and marriages will be status quo, average. Is that really what we want? “Strong Spiritual Leader Fathers = Strong Families.”

In short, every home in every city or town on every continent needs transformational leadership. It is the only way a society can advance and prosper. Everything suffers without it, but everything benefits with it.

If you want to learn more about Leadership Speaking/ Coaching/Consulting I do. Visit www.cornerstonespeaking.com or text me at 701-415-6790. I’m Ryan Botner and I’m your friend and your Chief Encouragement Officer! BE INTENTIONAL TODAY!

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